Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Friday, July 16, 2010

Picky Picky

I know have a picky eater on my hands it seems. Those days of Kammy liking almost everything are a distant memory. Its a bit of a challenge to get her to eat these days. She will even shake her head "no" when I try to put food into her mouth! Where the heck did she learn that?! I have tried pureed foods, finger foods, letting her feed me...nothing seems to help. And to top it off, I'm all paranoid now because some old bat at the grocery store told me I need to "feed my emaciated child." What the eff lady?! Who do you think you are? She was really old & obviously demented because Kamryn is a perfectly healthy weight. I know what she said is crazy, but still.


  1. Hi- I didn't know where else to leave you a message. Thank you for sending me the kind note on my blog. I am going to check out your friend's blog now. It is a personal subject but for some reason, I am excited about the idea of blogging so it has made it a little

    Your daughter is beautiful- congratulations!!! I am going to "follow you" now!

  2. hey there! i didn't see an email address to email you about hanging out. here's mine -

    it'd be awesome to do something with you! and our kid's are close in age. email me and let me know what kind of a schedule you have...

    oh, and what's your name?!

  3. I actually lived about 10 minutes from Jess..just in Newport News, Virginia. My hubby deployed a month after hers, so I came back home until he returns in January. I told Jess we should all hang out when I get back. I have a 16 month old at least we all have a kid in common! Your blog is adorable by the way..I love the background!

  4. ashley- thank you! i'd love to get together with the kids! message me when you get back into town :)

  5. i will certainly message you when i move back. it will only be for 10 months which stinks..but thats the military life for us i guess. looking forward to meeting you and kammy!

  6. I went through the same think with my son, I got him to eat by making chicken soup he LOVES it sometimes its all he will eat breakfest, lunch and tea LOL. Your little girls very cute! I am following you now.
